pp108 : Using Logging Service in a Business Process

Using Logging Service in a Business Process

This topic informs you about the use of Composite Application Logging in a business process.

When you want to monitor a business process activity and its associated data during orchestration, you need to model multiple log entries per event for an activity using the Business Logging tab available in the business process model editor. You can log entries on activities such as a Web service call, human task and an independent sub-process call or a complex activity such as For Each, Until, While and Transaction. In addition to using the logging service you may also monitor your business process instances from the Process Instance Manager.
Each log entry is associated with a life cycle event of an activity (For example - onStart, onComplete, onWaiting, onResume).

Refer to Composite Application Logging for more information.

Following events are possible for activities:

  • On Start: Before starting to execute the activity.
  • On Complete: On successful completion of an activity.
  • On Error: When a SOAP fault occurs.
  • On Timeout: When the activity times out.
  • On Waiting: When the activity goes into waiting.
  • On Resume: When the activity is resumed after waiting or after an abort.
  • On TransactionStart: When a WS-AppServer transaction starts.
  • On TransactionCommit: When a WS-AppServer transaction is committed to database.
  • On TransactionAbort: When a WS-AppServer transaction is aborted.


  • On Start, On Complete, On Error, On Waiting and On Resume events are specific only to activities and also to groups such as For Each, While, Until and Transaction (but not for the Context group).
  • On Timeout event is specific only to the time-out activity.
  • The On TransactionStart, On TransactionCommit and On TransactionAbort events are specific only to the WS-AppServer transactions.

Related tasks

Defining Log Messages for an Activity
Modifying Monitoring and Crash Recovery Settings
Setting the Properties of a Business Process Model

Related reference

Business Process Model Properties Interface
Service Container Properties Interface
Business Process Management Service Properties Interface